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GOALIE WARS is a 1v1 or 2v2 Tournament-Style contest focused specifically on the skills needed to play goalie!

Goalie Wars is a tournament designed to focus on a players ability to service the ball in various ways as well as shot stop and make saves. In this event it is 1v1, Goalkeeper vs. Goalkeeper in 6 minute rounds (3 minute halves). Every goal is a point. The goalie with the most points wins. In group play there can be ties. All group play games award a goalie points towards their standings:

Win = +3 Points
Tie = +1 Point
Loss = 0 Points

Players will participate in a specific number of contests for group play. At the end of group play each player in the Division will be ranked based on standings. Those rankings will seed them in a divisional, single-elimination, tournament round. During elimination play there can not be a tie. All tied games at the end of regulation will require a 1-minute overtime until a winner is determined.